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Message from the President

The Pride of Neitz – Developing Products that Truly Contribute to the Medical Fields

Since its inception in 1965, Neitz has been providing the field of ophthalmology with its own value for over half a century. It is by developing, manufacturing, and marketing of specialized products. All that time Neitz has continued to hone the skills to meet the demands of healthcare professionals. Neitz products are now widely used in more than 70 countries and areas including Japan.

People say that much of the information human beings obtain comes from the eyes. It is not too much to say not only information like letters or images, also family smile and even the hope for tomorrow are taken from the eyes. Therefore, we believe that eyesight and quality of vision are of importance. On the other hand, a number of recent epidemiological studies have estimated that approximately 50% of the world’s population will be myopic by 2050. Increase of myopia will accelerate the prevalence of retinal detachment and glaucoma. Moreover, high myopia may cause a variety of eye disorders resulting in an increase in people with visual impairment. As it is often said, controlling the myopia in the young population is important to prevent such a result. In addition, with the advent of aging society, eye diseases including cataract, glaucoma, age-related diseases, and those caused by lifestyle disease such as diabetes are rapidly increasing. Maintaining the quality of life of the elderly is becoming a social issue towards the aging society. Thus, not to mention, what is important is to make sure everyone regardless of age and gender is aware of eye examination as well as early dianosis and treatment by ophthalmologists.

With a central focus on funduscopes to support ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment, Neitz has been providing a variety of products to meet the needs of ophthalmology until today. Neitz will develop the technology cultivated in the field of ophthalmology to be a company that will contribute to various medical fields for the days to come in addition to the ophthalmology. We at Neitz will continue to listen to the healthcare professionals in order to meet social issues and worldwide needs. And Neitz will create the new value of “Made in Japan” and “Made by Neitz” so that healthcare professionals can show the best performance.

Takae Nishizawa, President

Takae Nishizawa, President

Company Information

Company Name Neitz Instruments Co., Ltd.
President Takae Nishizawa
Board Members Director   Atsushi Mizuno
Director   Noriyuki Hironaka
Auditor   Toshinori Nishizawa
Head Office 4F Ichibancho Court, 15-21, Ichibancho,
Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-0082, Japan
Phone: +81-3-3237-0552 FAX: +81-3-3237-0554
Facilities Sakaki Office
Sakaki 6249, Sakaki Town, Hanishina County, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, 389-0601
Overseas Branch Neitz Medical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 8078, 8th Floor, Singular Bldg., No. 318-322 Xianxia Rd,
Changning District, Shanghai, China
Establishment Date April 13th, 1965
Capital JPY 98,000,000
Business Detail Development, marketing, repair, export and import of:
– ophthalmology medical devices,
– optical medical devices, and
– welfare instruments.


– 3-minute walk from Exit No.3 of Kojimachi St., Yurakucho Line
– 2-minute walk from Exit No.5 of Hanzomon St., Hanzomon Line